Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photographs as Impressions

Reading my Nature Photography textbook, I've come across the Photographs as Impressions section.  This is where things get good and where I could use some more help.  There are lots of useful suggestions for things to do with the camera, but what fascinates me most is what can be done with Photoshop.  As the text says, most of the effects that can be achieved with clever shooting can be done--with even more control--via Photoshop.  This is something I'd like to play around with a little during the rest of the semester.

I'm very much into photography being the exact art of capturing the world as it actually appears, but I have recently been introduced to the world of Photoshop effects, and I have to admit, some stunning images can be created.

Perhaps with a little more practice, I'll be able to find myself doing more and more with the software and creating some more "artistic" images.  As I said, it wasn't something that previously interested me, but seeing good art has a way of inspiring you...

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